What does a session entail?

My approach takes you through the four main stages of healing as adapted from Peruvian Energy Medicine.

  1. Share you story

  2. Feel the emotion behind the story

  3. Understand how it fits into your soul’s journey and destiny

  4. Release it energetically

The process is not necessarily linear and some stages take longer than others. Some stages take revisiting a few times. No matter the timeframe, as one travels through all stages, healing can occur. 


Sharing your story

Most sessions start with us talking and you telling your story. Sharing your story out loud is vital.  I know not all family and friends, as well meaning as they are, are good non-judgmental listeners.   With me, you have a safe and non-judgmental space to share all the good, bad, ugly, and real ugly.  It is a chance to hear your own voice through the noise.  The Phoenix has its first chance to emerge through the fire during this phase.


Feeling the emotion behind the story

This step may happen in conjunction with your story and it may not.  The emotions may come later after shedding the first layers of your protection and survival mechanisms.  Remember, numbness takes time to thaw.  Emotions are not limited to sadness with tears and snot running down your face, although this is amazingly cleansing.  It can start with anger and rage.  It may flow into despair, hopelessness, fear, and grief.  There are no right “emotions” that happen on any particular timeline.  You feel what you feel when you feel it.  I am here to support your stages of grief in a safe space.


Understanding how the story fits into you soul’s journey and destiny. 

Oh man, this is a tough but satisfying stage.  It is hard to feel and see when in the middle of trauma and grief, but it is always there waiting for you to discover.  Honestly, it is tempting to want to jump right to the lesson thinking we can bypass the story and emotion.  But we have to walk through the first steps to get really clear on the soul’s lesson.  When prepared, what comes out of this step is an understanding of what knowledge you gained. Examples include learning how strong you are, overcoming self-worthlessness, gaining self-confidence, re-evaluating your family of origin, forgiving, understanding unconditional love, remembering true priorities, finding your purpose, etc.  The sky is the limit on lessons to be had.  Many authors write about this, but in essence, the Universe sends you people and situations so you can grow and become your best self.  Is it a pretty process?  Nope, but it’s effective.


Releasing it energetically

This is an esoteric stage of healing.  It is difficult to put in words and needs to be experienced to be understood.  As one of my instructors once said, I can describe chocolate cake to you, but until you taste it, you do not really know chocolate cake.

Using multiple techniques, the energy work brings you out of fight or flight and puts you into a relaxed state.  In this state of calm, we work on finding and retrieving lost parts of your soul, clearing heaviness and denser energies, and rebalancing the subtle body.  The work happens on a massage table, fully clothed.  I am simply a facilitator, inviting your higher self and Spirit to do the big work. 

Sessions available in-person or remote over the phone

  • One Hour - $105

  • One and Half Hours - $145

  • Two Hour Soul Retrieval - $205

  • Half Hour Kiddo Session - $40

Schedule online for a remote or in-person session